недеља, 27. јануар 2013.


" The Wait "
( Wave ) 2012.
Progressive / experimental/post metal/ alter - FINLAND

Nauticus are 5 piece act from Finland, active some period with respectable self-promotional campaighn, so many internet portals informs about its entire carrear. A band has released first full-length in 2009 , entitled " A Wave To Carry Us Out", followed by actuelle from previous 2012 year - " The Wait". A Finnish fellows has offered a sort of opressive apocalyptic-themed concept album, fullfield with real croossover of stylish variants as a : progressive, post metal, alter, alter metal, psychedelic... The songs sufferes from different
atmospheric tensions, and also different moods dominates through complete album materials. Colourful, but agressive productional work, as same as vivid arrangments includings charcterize its album in general. It's a interesting product, with also interesting cover artwork desighn.

Rating : 7, 5 / 10
C / o : www.nauticusband.com

четвртак, 24. јануар 2013.

TAINTED SOULS - Mercury Mind

" Mercury Mind "
( Mad Dog Records ) 2011.
Melodic rock - NORWAY

Out of  Norway, comes a band Tainted Souls, active some period on national scene. Even that four members from group
comes from different sides, they are locate in Oslo. " Mercury Mind " is actuelle product, a CD with 11 tracks in.
A present materials are seriously done, with " elegant" technical and productional includings. A group is musically on the field
of melodic rock tendencies, but some other elements are also present here and there, as a 80's post new wave and power pop,
as same as 90's rock as well. A band has counted some grunge influences and also Pearl Jam legacy as a important part of its
inspiration, but I would add that mentioned details we can eventually find in its music only in so call " hidden" variant.
Tainted Souls are pretty melodic act, and all of present songs are mostly listenable.A group did and still include a lotta' efforts
in promotional things, so we' ll  see what the future brings.

Rating : 7 / 10
C / o : www.facebook.com/taintedsouls

среда, 23. јануар 2013.

LANDSCAPE - Staring At Utopia

"Staring At Utopia "
( Self - released ) 2012.
Progressive / progressive rock / melodic rock - HOLLAND

Even that basic idea, and beginings of carrear of Dutch act Landscape started out in 1995  year, we can threat ' em as a newer
act.Discographically, a band debuted during the June of previous year, with 9 songs album entitled " Staring At Utopia ". In its
line-up a group has a fine female singer Sandra Smit and 2 males -Dennis Stant and Joris Wittenberg. Landscape is a pretty
melodic act equally influental by the older and newer progressive / progressive rock tendencies, as same as melodic rock, and even
a melodic pop traces as well. A songs posses a narrative dimension, a pleasent atmosphere is also followed by creative arrangments
includings. In its press material, a group has counted some influental acts as a : Dream Theater, Rush, The Police, Tears And Fears,
but in my opinion even of evident originality, some comparisions leads to late Barcley James Harvest legacy. But, just in some
" cases". " Staring At Utopia" is a listenable product from begining till the end, worth listener's attention...

Rating :  8 / 10
C / o : www.landscapeband.com

уторак, 22. јануар 2013.


" Drive "
( Skye Records ) 2012.
Rock / pop - USA

Don Jacobs is a singer/songwriter from Mississipi, and also successful visual artist and muralist. " Drive" is his second album, followed by " Late Night Radio" from 2009 year. He is a singer/songwriter of old manner, and his 13 songs from album were done in rock/classic rock, west coast, less AOR , and adult pop  variants as well. Most of his tunes posses a laid back and also a spontaneous atmosphere, and some comparisions leads to 70's period too.A solid production, and pleasent arrangments works characterize a complete present materials of more or less equalizing songs. But, I would a specially recomand a 10th track - " Rain" for a repeatable listenings, and probably this is a best song from album. A mentioned song also posses a evidental radio friendly usings. If you prefer a songwriters of old school manners, Don Jacobs is undoubtelly your type of artist.

 Rating : 7, 5 / 10
C / o : www.donjacobs.net

уторак, 15. јануар 2013.

ROBERT HILL - What Are We Waiting For

" What Are We Waiting For "
( Self - released / Hemifran ) 2012.
Traditional blues / roots music / folk - SWEDEN

A Swedish fellow Robert Hill is undoubtelly a new hope and promising artist under the sky of roots music, blues and folk tendencies.
His debut album " What Are We Waiting For", with 13 tracks in, has introduced him as a articulate and brutally honest songwriter and
nothing less convinceble performer. Basically, his approach is orientire to traditional blues variants as same as also to  traditional folk and roots legacies as well. He knows to remind  on Woodie Guthrie, but originality is also his middle name.A productional work  tendentiouslly associate on past times , and period between 30' and 50's years of previous century, but specific atmosphere also characterize a present songs. Fine work and recomandable product...

Rating : 8, 5 / 10
C / o : www.facebook.com/roberthillsongs

недеља, 13. јануар 2013.

PETER FAHEY - Under The Sun

" Under The Sun "
( Lotusdweller / Hemifran ) 2012.
Americana / songwritings / rock - USA

Singer/songwriter Peter Fahey is on the saddle for a years. With actuelle one, he has released a 5 albums. " Under The Sun" his actuelle product, he recorded with 3 additional musicians - Steve Mugellan, Bobby Tsukamoto and Blake Mills, and also some guests, who participated on album.
Mr. Fahey on pretty convinceble and authorative way combine elements of americana, rock, west coast and similiar includings in his music.
A present atmosphere is dominate force of his approach and some  specific 70's emotionals is  evident here and there too. Insightful
lyrical approach also characterize a complete materials and 12 present songs as well. Most of materials  posses a radio friendly usings and deserve a repeatable listener's attention. Absolutelly recomandable..

Rating : 9 / 10
C / o : www.peterfahey.org

уторак, 8. јануар 2013.

GOLDEN SEXTION - The Silicon Age

" The Silicon Age "
( Logic ( IL) Logic /  Atomic Stuff ) 2012.
Hard rock / alter metal - ITALY

Golden Sextion is a Modena based act, formed in 2007 year by two persons - Faust and Loose. During the 2009 , they
stabilize a formation, and started to create a own materials. " The Silicon Age" is its debut from previous 2012 year, a full-length
with 11 tracks in. Golden Sextion combines a few elements under the metal as a genre. We can hear and find in its offering elements
of classic hard rock, 80's and 90's metal, but also evidental alter metal details, as same as some nu metal tendencies as well.  Also a songs are different among them, as same as a atmosphere in complete presenting materials. Some tracks posses expandier arrangments
approach, some no. In the other hand, a production communicate with standards of our time, and  other technical elements mainly satisfies as well. Golden Sextion has offered some portion of interesting views, even that after listening of complete album you have in mind that some things are simply missing.  

Rating  : 7 / 10
C / o : www.goldensextion.com


" Bullshit "
( Street Symphonies Records / Atomic Stuff ) 2012.
Sleaze / hard rock - ITALY

A carrear of Italian act Easy Trigger started out in 2009 year. Firstly, a band has introduced themselves as a strictly cover group, but
later on with some personal changes they started to work on own materials. In March 2011, they discographically debuted with
5 track EP. After some sucessfull concerts and gigs, they started to work on full-length, and during the last months of previous
2012 year, they released a CD entitled simply " Bullshit". Italians are on the field of sleeze/hard rock tendencies, I would add
with evidental original views. I can not compere its attitudes and performings with any of well-known USA and Britich acts too. Its songs are raw and direct, with also less so call standard melodic includings. In the other hand they knows to be convinceble, and in the same time interesting. " Bullshit" are consists of 12 mainly equalizing tracks without any leading song, but also without a weacker places too.
 " Bullshit" is a good discographical start for Italian fellows, worth listener's attention, especially if you are a sleeze / hard rock freak.

Rating : 7 , 5 / 10
C / o : www.reverbnation.com/easytrigger

VIOLENT GIBSON - American Circus

" American Circus "
( Logic ( ill ) Logic / Atomic Stuff ) 2012.
Sleeze rock / hard rock - ITALY

Violent Gibson are Italian quintet formed back in 2007 year.  They have released one Demo, and during the previous year
also a full - length, entitled " American Circus". A band did a lotta efforts in promotional campaingh, and many webzines
informed about their entire carrear. " American Circus" as a album has introduced them as a sleeze / hard rock act, influental
by the 80's period as well. A same energy a group has putted in vocal and performing elements, and I would add  that productional
work also follows up its basic sound and general psychology. There are a 13 tracks on album, also a cover of  well-known
Stevie Wonder's song - " Superstition", where Italians tried to offer an original view and presentation. Manniristically, " American
Circus" satisfie in general, but also is evident that band simply need a little more originality to offer. We can not find any leading song too, but it's also true to say, that band has sounded as a coherent team. Maybe it's not enough for a  worldwide  success, but some things can be done  better in forthcoming period..

Rating : 7 / 10
C / o : www.violentgibson.biz