уторак, 18. децембар 2012.

CAL WILLIAMS JR. - Honeychild

" Honeychild "
( Self - released ) 2012.
Acoustic folk / roots music / blues - AUSTRALIA

Cal Williams Jr. is one of the best acoustic guitar blues performer in Australia , and 3 times winner  as a best South Australian
songwriters of the year. Really a brilliant reputation . " Honeychild" is a his 3rd offering, and this is a CD with 13 tracks in.
Mr. Williams had a 5 members following band behind, and he was also responsible for all vocal lines and acoustic guitar pickings.
On modern and  I would add fresh way, he combines elements of acoustic folk, roots music and blues as well, mixing all mentioned
forms as a sort of his own genre and general approach. A songs are mostly done in mid and mid-up tempo, followed by fine
productional work and tasteful arrangments includings. Complete album is worth listener's attention, and also is recomandable, not only
for the roots and blues music followers.

Rating : 8, 5 / 10
C / o : www.calwilliamsjr.com

KONG - Merchants Of Air

" Merchants Of Air "
( Kongenial Records ) 2012.
Electro / industrial / progressive - HOLLAND

Kong is an Amsterdam based band formed in late 80's. With actuelle one, they have released a 7 albums , but some period
a group stopped own activities. After reunion, firstly they have released a " What It Seems Is What You Get" album  from 2009 ,
discographically followed by actuelle  offering from this 2012 year, entitled " Merchants Of Air". A Dutch quartet is mostly instrumental act, even that closing track from album - " Back Into The Trees " posses a vocal includings. Kong is a also a modern act judging by performing, composing and producing elements in its offering. They combine electro, industrial, avangarde and progressive elements as well. A present tracks are dynamic, a members from band performs with   so call additional  hyper energie , arrangments are simply but convinceble at the same time, and they  also avoid a manniristical details. " Merchants Of Air" is more than convinceble product, done by band. Absolutelly recomandable.

 Rating : 9 / 10
C / o : www.kong.nl


" Reason "
( Magic Records ) 2012.
Modern pop - AUSTRALIA

Singer/songwriter Jacob Butler is a Melbourne based musician and performer, and he's been active for a several years. It's also
interesting that he was appeared in Australian Idol. A first EP " Coma" he has recorded in 2009. " Reason" is a actuelle full-length
with 12 tracks in. Mr. Butler is a very active in self-promotional campaighn, and especially in some European countries.
" Reason" is a professionally recorded album, full of clear melodic places and  same following melodic instrumentations.
He has taken  something of 80's power pop pastiche, and also his songs are influental by the British pop movement from mentioned
80's era. Part time romantic, part time nostalgic, maybe in some aspects a little more " retro", but nothing less clear and
convinceble in his approach. A recomandable track for repeatable listening, could be a 7th song from album - " Ghost".

Rating : 7 , 5 / 10
C / o : www.facebook.com/thejbproject

петак, 14. децембар 2012.

CITADEL BESIEGED - Creation / Damnation

" Creation / Damnation "
( Self - released ) 2012.
Heavy metal - USA

Adrian Jeffreys and Tim Hall are in the saddle again, with its second offering released in 2 years, entitled "Creation / Damnation".
USA fellows has introduced themselves through 11 tracks in similiar way, like the case was with their previous album. We can find here and there raw and strong metal, influental by the 80's period as well, with some other  additional traces taken from various metal genres too.
A production is clear and well-define from first to last song, and one reckognizeble atmosphere dominates through complete album materials.
Some of the songs also posses so call narrative approach,  followed by certain playings and clear vocalization too. A closing track " Sirens", is a recomandable one for repeatable listenings...

Rating : 7 / 10
C / o : www.citadelbesieged.com

CS NIELSEN - Man Of The Fall

" Man Of The Fall "
( Melodika / Target / Hemifran )  2012.
Roots music / folk /  americana - DENMARK

Singer/songwriter and nothing less interesting acoustic guitar performer  CS Nielsen, has been around for a years. He has recorded first
album in 2007 year, entitled " Against The Dying Of The Light" . " Man Of The Fall" is his actuelle, second offering, a CD with 13 tracks in.
CS Nielsen is a storyteller, melancholic singer, and his album are consists of mainly half-ballads and mid, rarely mid-up tempo songs.
Some of British reviewers compare his approach with Johnny Cash style, but Danish fellow posses own original vision and authors
view. His tunes has a typical narrative approach , and something of old-fashion method of composing. Some of his songs I will recomande
for a repeatable listenigs, as a  : " Road Song", " Blood Of The Lamb", and  " A Stone's Throw Away"...

Rating : 7 , 5 / 10
C / o : www.myspace.com/csnielsen

четвртак, 6. децембар 2012.


" In My Head "
( Spokes Records / Hemifran ) 2012.

A Swedish act The Spokes started out its carrear as a cover band in 2000 year, performing materials mainly of southern rock acts. A decade later, they started to create own materials, and in 2012, firstly they have released an EP with 4 tracks in, and also later actuelle full-length, entitled " In My Head" . Swedish quintet has introduced themselves with 12 tracks in, done in so call classic rock mood , with evidental traces of 70's and 80's rock as well. They aren' t uninteresting, and most of the songs posses a good playings as same as pleasent melodic lines. The Spokes sounds as a well-experienced act, and what is more important, as a pretty original band, normally if we judge its offering according to standards of mentioned rock forms. They are sucessfully avoid influences of some well-known acts, and its album are consists of mainly " authentic" tracks. Well done job, and also recomandable for the followers of classic rock tendencies.

Rating : 8 / 10
 C / o : www.thespokessweden.com

TRIBAL - I - Dentity

" I - Dentity"
( Non Stop Music / Bobmedia ) 2012.
Modern rock / modern hard rock - SWITZERLAND

A Swiss quartet Tribal started out its carrear in 2004 year. Till know, with actuelle one they have released a 3 albums. A band also has received some recognition nationally, as same as in Germany and Austria..." I-Dentity", actuelle product are consist of 13 mainly equalizing tracks, well produced and technically with respectable additionals and details. Even that they are influental by the late 80's and the begining of  90's rock movement, its offering we could threat as a sort of modern rock / hard rock option, with includings of some so call dark / gothic , less industrial elements.It's a interesting mixture,. even if you know that complete album materials is pretty listenable and melodic too.I can not find any leading track, but " I - Dentity" is a cohesive product, without less interesting places.

Rating : 7, 5 / 10
C / o : www.tribal-rock.com

уторак, 20. новембар 2012.

STEVE MEDNICK - Two Days After Yesterday

" Two Days After Yesterday"
( Cottage Sound Recordings / Hemifran ) 2012.
Americana / folk rock / country rock - USA

Steve Mednick is a New Haven, Connecticut based singer/songwriter, whose carrear started out in 2006 year. During the forthcoming period, he was pretty bussy, and released with actuelle one a 9 albums. " Two Days After Yesterday", his actuelle product from this  2012 year, is a CD with 16 tracks in. Steve is a storyteller, and most of his songs are done in acoustic mood, but with colorfull  arrangments includings, and also with some so call " electric" additionals. He is a certain singer, and he use to combine older and newer elements of roots music, folk rock and americana as well. A productional work followed up a motorization of present songs, and most of performing materials are done in mid, rarely mid-up tempo. It seems, that a little percentage of energy is missin' in Steve's general offering, but professionally his author's message satrisfies in many aspects.  

Rating : 7 / 10
C / o : www.stevemednick.com


" Anna "
( Self - released ) 2012.
Progressive - FRANCE

Puzzle King is a band/project of French composer and multiinstrumentalist Francois Puzenat.He started to create a Puzzle King story in 2009 , and during the late April / May this 2012 year, he finalized a music for actuelle album entitled " Anna". This is a concept album about Anna and Anatoli, and their relationship and struggle during the Soviet communist revolution in 1917 year.
A songs are done in French language, where musical direction stands beetween newer and older progressive tendencies.
We can find also some Genesis / Anthony Phillips / Ange influences, but Mr. Puzenat sucesfully has avoided manniristical temptation. He has offered a complexive material, with expandier performing and playing passages, and uptempo changes.
" Anna" is a interesting release for progressive freaks, worth listener's attention.

Rating : 7, 5 / 10
C / o : www.puzzlekingmusic.com

THE KENN MORR BAND - Worth Imagining

" Worth Imagining "
( Fleets Cove Music /Hemifran ) 2012.
Americana / folk rock - USA

Kenn Morr is a singer/songwriter from Colebrook Conecticut and a leader of his The Kenn Morr band. He is more than active continiously for a years, and " Worth Imagining " is his 6th release. Actuelle album are consists of 10 equalizing well-penned tracks, done in americana / folk rock manner, with pleasent vocalization and distant and certain playings. Kenn Morre lyrical occupation touches themes as a love, loss, relationships, loneliness. Some of reviewers compare his author's legacy with Gordon Lightfoot's method of composing and performing, but I would add that hidden Van Morrison influences exists " here and there" too. But, as a author Mr. Moore knows how to create a fine melody, and his album is full of pleasent places...

Rating : 8 / 10
C / o : www.kennmorr.com

среда, 14. новембар 2012.



Press / info

 Published by Djam Karet's label " Firepool Records", HEARD OF INSTINCT' s debut CD was four years in the making. Created in hot pursuit of the darkened, serpentine corridors of  contemporary instrumental progressive rock music, this self- titled release is truly for fans of King Crimson, Steve Tibbets, Djam Karet and big picture music.
 Following the 2007 dissolution of their previous band 99 NAMES OF GOD, drummer Jason Spradlin and WARR guitarist Mark Cookdecided to create a new group. They acquired guitarist and fellow Texan Mike Davison, whose chameleon like approach withNERVEWERKS added great depth to their musical vision. With their new metamorphosis now complete, the band went into session and began writing all new material, emerging only rarely for a few choice live performances.
 Pushing the limits of their own creativity, HERD OF INSTINCT drawas from a vast source of influences : multi-cultural music,
literary clues, Horror and cinematic film scores, and obscure elements of rock, avant-garde, electronic,prog, and psychedelic music.
Recording session took place in Texas, North Carolina and various global locations, from 2007-2010. As a live unit, HERD OF INSTINCTperforms as a trio, but during this recording process, the band decided to expand into a large-scale entity feauturing many guest musicians including Dave Streett, whose friendship with such luminaries as Jerry Marotta  ( Peter Gabriel ), Pat Mastelotto ( King Crimson ), Gayle Ellett ( Djam Karet ), Gavin Harrison ( Porcupine Tree ), and Marcus Reuter ( Tuner ) helped bring these all-star musicians into HERD.
 The results are very provocative as evidenced by such songs as " Room Without Shadows", the lysergic " Road To Asheville",
 the schizoid-frenzy of " Amnesis", the pagan majesty of " Hex", and the beautiful " Blood Sky". With looping samples provided by Steve Tibbetts, impeccable production, deep compositions, and impressive performances by all the musicians involved, HERD OF INSTINCT is well-crafted, landmark debut album...

 C / o : www.herdofinstinct.com

TOUCH THE SPIDER - Blood On The Wallpaper

" Blood On The Wallpaper "
( Whereareyoufrom )  2012.
Doom /  psychedelic - GERMANY

  Unholy Ghost and Cosmic Energy, a two persons who stand behind Touch The Spider band, are discographically in the saddle
                      again. " Blood On The Wallpaper" is their 6th product, a full-length with 14 tracks in, done in reckognizeble doom / psychedelic / dark mood. Touch The Spider are faithfull to their " music from the dark side of life" conception, and similiar atmosphere dominates in actuelle album, like the case was with their previous issues. I have an impression that mentioned atmosphere on their newest CD, is judging by productional oriantations and threathenings of arrangments includings, stylistically is more stronger and clearlier than before, and that's are new moments generally. On the other side, it seems than " Blood On The Newspaper" is more listanable
                      album than previous CD's, but that's not bad at all. Interesting and fine work as usual, and recomandable too....

Rating : 7 , 5 / 10

C / o : www.touchthespider.com

SEIZURE CRYPT - You' ve Been Had !

" You' ve Been Had ! "
( 316 Productions )  2012.
Crossover - USA

Out of Queens, NYC comes a Seizure Crypt band, continiously more than active some years. With actuelle one, this quartet has released a 4 albums, latest " You' ve Been Had!", firstly digitally, and now also in CD format. Seizure Crypt is agressive, also uncompromised and brutal crossover act, and in its performing conception we can find speed metal , punk and hardcore influences as well. During their carrear, they didn' t try to so call comercialize basic conception, and the same situation we can hear and feel with the actuelle album. A tons of rough blast beats and upbeats, raw vocalization, but certain performings with modern productional work, characterize complete materials in general. Seizure Crypt satisfies again, and " You' ve Been Had!"proudly stands in the same line, like group's previous albums.

Rating : 8 / 10
C / o : www.seizurecrypt.bandcamp.com

недеља, 4. новембар 2012.

PLUTONIUM - Devilmentertainment Non-Stop

" Devilmentertainment Non-Stop "
( Self - released ) 2011.
Industrial black metal - SWEDEN

Plutonium was formed in 2003 year as a band / project of key person J. Carlsson , and the complete authors connception belong to his creativity. A material for actuelle , second album was finished in 2009 year, but CD with 9 tracks in, looked the light of day during the July of previous year, as a self-financed product. Mr. Carlsson combine elements of industrial music / legacy and  black metal on very unique uncomparabille way. Apocalyptic atmosphere, harsch sounds, often uptempo changes, characterize album materials in general. The sound is brutal, but arrangments are colourfull, and at the same time complexive. I have found some similiarities with Laibach and even King Crimson legacies in Mr. Carlsson conception, but funaral and apocalyptic tensions in songs confirms that author has accepted a newer standards of black metal as a genre. " Devilmenentertainment Non-Stop" realistically describe author's messages, and this is undoubtlly an interesting offering.

Rating : 8 / 10
C / o : www.myspace.com/theplutonium

понедељак, 29. октобар 2012.

DALE BOYLE - Throwback

" Throwback "
( Self - released / Hemifran ) 2012.
Roots music / folk / blues - CANADA

Dale Boyle is a well-respected songwriter , guitarist and musician, and carrear of this Montreal performer continiously is sucessful.
He has received a several national recognitions and awards. " Throwback " is his 4th album, where we can find a 10 tracks in, combination of authors works and well-chosen covers. He had also a 2 guesture performers - Annabele Chvoster as a singer, and Michael Jerome Browne, who was responsible for playing fiddle, slide guitar and mandolin.  Mr. Boyle is a certain performer, who knows how to put his idea in the right place. He offers and interesting mixture of roots elements, folk, and acoustic blues variants as well. His songs are influental by the so call old school tendencies, but also posses a energy of our time. I would recomand a closing tune, " classic"    - " Baby Please Don' t Go", as a specially more inspirative moment from whole, generally well-released album.

Rating : 8, 5 / 10
C / o : www.daleboyle.com

недеља, 28. октобар 2012.

FOREST SUN - Just Begun

" Just Begun "
( Painted Sun / Hemifran ) 2012.
Alt. country / roots rock / americana

San Francisco based road warrior and singer/songwriter Forest Sun is constantly active on national indie / americana scene.
He has also toured in Europe, and his concert experience is undoubtelly huge. " Just Began" is his actuelle album with 12 tracks in, done in alt.country/folkie/ roots/americana mood. He is certain and pleasent singer, and most of present songs are done in slower mid tempo, without unexpecting rhythm changes. Even of solid performings and technically well realazing job, most of the materials suffers of manniristical problems. Everything is more or less recognazible , and even of quiet good productional work, missings of performing energy, characterized practically each track from album. " Just Began " simply isn' t a better album realesed from Forest Sun kitchen.

Rating : 6 / 10
C / o : www.forestsun.com

четвртак, 18. октобар 2012.


" White Lighter "
( Wrong Reasons Records / Hemifran ) 2012.
Country rock / americana - USA

Out of Providence, Rhode Island comes a singer / songwriter Joe Fletcher and his Wrong Reasons band. Fletcher is a old-fashioned troubadour and musician, whose carrear is continiously active a several years. He has received a respectabile recognitions and critics with his first album from 2007 year, entitled  " Bury Your Problems ". A few times with his group he toured around state and at the end of 2010 year, he has released a second and still actuelle album - " White Lighter". He sing about bad luck, wrong decisions, hard living and bad times, but musically, he and his band deliver a strong country rock sound, with many honky-tonk and rocking and rolling includings, with additionals of some so call old school flavours as well. " With Lighter" is a CD with mainly equalizing materials, generally positive atmosphere,  and some pretty repeatable songs.

Rating : 8 / 10
C / o : www.joefletchermusic.com

недеља, 14. октобар 2012.

SIMULACRUM - The Master And The Simulacrum

" The Master And The Simulacrum "
( Inverse Records ) 2012.
Progressive metal - FINLAND

Out of Turku, Finland comes a band Simulacrum, a new national hope if we speak about progressive metal tendencies.
The beginings of group started out in their highschool days, but more seriously things are turn around a few  years ago. " The Master And The Simulacrum "is actuelle debut, where we can find a 8 seriously done tracks. A group works as a quintet, where keybords threathenings and includings are important part of general performing and authors realizations. In one hand, musically they are faithful to the legacies of 90's progressive metal movement, but also is evident that influences from the 70's progressive era, aren' t strange in its views. This is undoubtly an interesting mixture, and practically most of the present tracks " suffer" of mentioned " infections". A production satisfie in every manner, and generally band has offered a promising debut.

Rating : 8 / 10
C / o : www.simulacrum.com

недеља, 7. октобар 2012.

THE RED BUTTON - As Far As Yesterday Goes

" As Far As Yesterday Goes "
( Grimble Records / Hemifran  ) 2011.
Pop / 60's pop / modern pop - USA

The Red Button are Seth Swirsky and Mike Ruekberg, singers / songwriters and musicians whose interesting spheres leads to many other fields. They are also established persons, whose collaboraton started out from 2005 year. They have released a first album in 2007 , entitled " She's About To Cross My Mind ".  " As Far As Yesterday Goes " is actuelle one, and this is a CD with 12 tracks in. They have received mainly a positive reviews and critics for its work. Swirsky and Ruekberg in own way reestablished a period of 60's,  and era of beat and British invasion musics. Their songs are melodic, repeatable, more than listanable, and its method of composing and producing maximally modernize a mentioned pop approach. Today is absolutelly impossible to find an album where all of present songs posses hittish potentials, but Swirsky and Ruekberg knows how to reproduce a brilliant tune. Excellent work, and recomandable album for the followers of different tastes...

Rating : 9 / 10
C / o : www.theredbutton.net


" Water "
( Big Book Records / Hemifran ) 2012.
Roots music - USA

Singer / songwriter, piano and accordian player Richie Lawrence was born in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and his musical and authors interesting spheres leads to americana and roots music theritories. " Water " is his second album, recorded together with band - The Yolos. There are 12 plus 1 song on CD, and Mr. Lawrence has offered a different but pleasent package of roots music views, country and waltzing rhythms, hidden cajun approaches, enjoyable vocalizations, and similiar  listenable atmosphere, presents through complete materials as well. He isn' t a old-fashionable performer, but his authors signiture has taken something from the era   of  30's or 50's years of previous century. " Fields Where They Lay" is interesting and smooth lullaby, and together with bonus instrumental track " Poets Prayer" ,in brilliant way finalize complete album.

Rating : 8 / 10
C / o : www.richielawrence.com

четвртак, 4. октобар 2012.


" Any Road "
( Dog Soldier Press/Hemifran ) 2012.
Songwritings / folk / country - USA

Burton Jespersen is relatively less-known artist, and songwriter under the USA roots music circulation. His discography also isn' t rich. A first album " The Ride" he has recorded a 10 years ago." Any Road " is his newer and second still actuelle offering, from this 2012 year. His album are consist of 14 songs, 9 are authors works, other are well-choosen covers, and his interesting spheres lead to folkie/country and americana fields. He is certain singer, with emotionaly driven lyrical views, and complete album are consists of listenable tunes, especially acceptable for the night time listening enjoument.  Finally, I would  notice a 6th track - " Redwood Song" for repeatable playings...

Rating : 7, 5 / 10
C / o : www.myspace.com/burtonjespersensongs


" Boo Hoo Hoo "
( Bolt! Bolt! Bolt! Music ) 2012.
Garage rock/garage punk/glam - USA

Out of Portland, Oregon comes a new " sensation ",  if we speak about garage rock / garage punk tendencies. They are quartet and musically band whose interesting spheres leads to older variants, preciselly  to late 70's era. They are pretty convinceble in its attitudes, as same as in performing capabilities, and fans of Stooges, New York Dolls, Sonics legacies, can find many similiar views in music of Portland fellows.  Yes, The Ex-Girlfriends Club looks and sound as a act from the 70's, and  all of 9 of present songs from its album, confirms mentioned opinion. In the other hand, Oregon quartet are consist of certain players and they teamed up pretty serious, and strongest as hell. I suppose that visual part is also important detail, with realistical presentation on stage and concert forms. " Boo Hoo Hoo" are consists of equalizing materials, done in mentioned 70's manner, but with clear message and certain playings...

Rating : 7 , 5 / 10
C / o : www.exgirlfriendsclub.com

TOM KELL - This Desert City

" This Desert City "
( 17 Degrees Recording / Hemifran ) 2011.
Songwritings / americana - USA

Singer / songwriter / troubadour Tom Kell is on the saddle for a years. His carrear started out in the 70's. He was active in a bands, and during the years he has performed a lot. His solo carrear is also impressive , and with actuelle one, he has recorded a 5 albums.
" This Desert City " continiously reactivate his leading authors messages, and through 10 songs  we can find many wonderful places, insightful lyrical approaches and familiar themes, known as a sort of so call Southern Californian style. A followers of Eagles, Jackson Brown or James Taylor legacies, will love Tom's musical stories. 2 of present tracks are covers, but both were done with different arrangments threathenings and changing views. These tracks are : " Don' t Let Me Be Misunderstood", well-known track established from Animals repertoair, and " Baby's In Black " from the mighty Beatles. A songs are mostly done in mid, and in mid-up tempo, complete materials are more than listenable, and productional work communicate with the standards of our time too.
" This Desert City " are consists of  wonderful songs and constantly repeatable melodies. Fine work.

Rating : 8 , 5 / 10
C / o : www.tomkell.com

недеља, 30. септембар 2012.

THE GUARDIAN - Time Travellers

" Time Travellers "
( Self - released ) 2012.
Heavy/power metal

The Guardian are long - exsisted quartet from Belgium metal area, and they are in the saddle for 15 years. A group has also recorded with actuelle one a 7 albums, and during the period of existence they have received some recognitions, not only in a homeland circulation. A group proudly keep the flag of heavy / power metal tendencies, and they are faithful to mentioned approach practically from its forming days." TIme Travellers " is actuelle CD, with 11 tracks in, done in mentioned heavy / power variant. Judging by its general conception, they are nearer to so call older school from the 80's, and as a band associates on NWOBHM acts from golden era, but productionally and technically they tries to sound and look as a band from our time.
They have offered an equalizing materials, without any tipical or recognizeble detail, but in the other hand, worth listeners attention.
There's no doubt that followers of heavy / power tendencies can be satisfied with group's offering materials, but also is evident that nowadys on actuelle scene exists many interesting groups with similiar genres approaches....

Rating : 7 / 10
C / o : www.TheGuardian.be

четвртак, 27. септембар 2012.

JIMMY ROBINSON - Guitarworks

" Guitarworks "
( Self - released / Hemifran ) 2012.
Acoustic / roots music - USA

Jimmy Robinsom is one of the most respectable acoustic guitarist in New Orleans area, and his technique and performing capabilities are well-known in national circulation. Some of the reviewers mentioned him as a leading name in acoustic guitar world, and there's no doubt that his style deserve respectation. " Guitarworks" is his actuelle product with 15 tracks in, recorded in cooperation with few friends and proffesionals. 12 songs are his authors works, 3 are covers, and 2 of them are planetary known as a " Little Wing" ( Hendrix ) and " Eight Miles High "  ( The Byrds ). He is also talented and serious songwriter, but his virtuoso style is unique and original.He is not comparabile with any well or less known artist, and his author's and performing signiture is unique. A complete album tracks deserve a repeatable listening...

Rating : 8, 5 / 10
C / o : www.jimmyrobinsonmusic.com

уторак, 25. септембар 2012.

KATRIN - Frail To Fearless

" Frail To Fearless "
( Self - released/Hemifran ) 2012.
Songwritings/adult pop/AOR - USA

Boston based singer/songwriter Katrin Roush is continiously active on USA indie scene. With actuelle one, she has released a 4 albums, with solid recognition and   reputation. " Frail To Fearless" CD with 10 tracks in, she has released independently. There's no doubt, that she expect a wider attention with actuelle product, and some of well-known proffesionals teamed up on album as a : Jerry Marota, Tony Levin, Bill Dillon, and unforgetable icon from the 70's - John Sebastian himself. Present songs are full of melodies, fine and excellent vocalizations, comlexive but clear arrangments includings, and fine production too.Katrin is a storyteller, where her musical tastes finds inspiration between adult pop and AOR. There's no less interesting places on album, but one " killer" cover must be notice, and that's a Led Zeppelin classic - " That's The Way".

Rating : 7, 5 / 10
C / o : www.KatrinMusic.com

понедељак, 24. септембар 2012.


" 3 "
( Yellow Sign Productions )  2012.
Rock / alter rock / progressive

A some period ago I have received a couple of CD's,  a complete discography from Martin Charlebois, singer /songwriter / multiinstrumentalist, a man who practically stand behind his band Speech Machine. With company of friends and professionals, he has recorded actuelle product, entitled simply " 3", a CD where we can find a 13 tracks in. Martin has offered an unique and original authors view. His interesting " slower" and so call laid back vocalization is present on complete materials. Musically a several influences occupie Martin's interesting field, and that's are : alter rock, rock, some progressive traces, and even grunge includings as well. A songs are done in mostly slower and mid , rarely mid-up tempo, but arrangments works are complexive and expandier too.   A complete Speech Machine's legacy we can threat as a some sort of experimental works , judging by Martin's authors exposure, but nothing less interesting , and also worth listeners attention...

Rating : 7 , 5 / 10
C / o : www.speechmachineband.com

JAMIE KENT - Navigation

" Navigation "
( The Collective Music Group/Hemifran ) 2012.
Songwritings/americana -  USA

Jamie Kent is younger singer /songwriter from Massacusetts, USA, active some period with respectable results . " Navigation " is his second offering, with 11 tracks in. His songs are full of insightful lyrical approaches, and taking inspirations from life on the road, and he mainly deal with so call three thames - love, life and lust. He also has a convinceble band behind, and some of his songs posses also jazz and funk flavour as well. " Navigation" are consists of folkie, acoustic,pop, country songs, and most of the materials posses a radio friendly usings. Wes Talbot did a good job as a producer, and I would specially recomand a 4th track " Hold On", and more than interesting cover of Eddy Grant tune - Drop Baby Drop ", for repeatable listenings..

Rating : 8 /  10
C / o : www.jamiekent.com

петак, 21. септембар 2012.

HAIDUK - Spellbook

" Spellbook "
( Self - released ) 2012.
Death metal - CANADA

" Spellbook " is a second offering of Haiduk, after realization of demo from 2010 year. A one man stand behind complete band/ project, and his name is Luka Milojica. He is author and complete performer  of 10 present tracks, done in " Leper Studios" in Calgary /Alberta.
" Spellbook" mostly deal with death metal, with addition of some thrash traces, but so call " darker" psychology of songs structures confirm that author also include some black metal views, and what is more important black metal psychology.Structurally, a tracks are similiar among them, and one clear perception is evident after listening of few themes /songs. In the other hand, technically Milojica did a good job, so I would add that production also satisfie in general. I can not find any leading track, but  author  has offered an equalizing approach through complete album materials...

Rating : 7 / 10
C / o : www.haiduk.ca

JEFF LARSON - The World Over

" The World Over "
( Red Bell Recordings/Hemifran ) 2012.
Folk/acoustic/americana/soft rock

Singer/songwriter Jeff Larson is in the saddle for a years, and his discographical carrear is continiously active too. He is born in Northern California, and during the years he has cooperated with many well-known and established musicians and performers.
" The World Over" is his actuelle CD with 10 tracks in. Jeff's  authors signiture is on complete materials, and he is also a coproducer with Hank Linderman.He had also a few interesting guests on album, among others his long time friends from America band - Gerry Beckley and Dewey Bunnell, and daughter of Eagles bassist Timothy B. Schmit - Jeddrah Schmit. Her colourfull and warm back up vocalization is present practically on whole album, and surelly deserve respectation. A fans and followers of 70's Southern Californian sound, and legacy of groups and artists such as a : James Taylor, CSN&Y, America, can be maximally satisfied with Jeff's offering appraches. On the other hand complete album tracks are more than listenable and deserve repeatable listenigs too.
We can not find any weacker or less interesting places on album, and under the mentioned musical options, " The World Over" is well-done and more than satysfying product ..

Rating : 8 / 10
C / o : www.jefflarson-music.com

THE MYSTIX - Mighty Tone

" Mighty Tone "
( Mystix Eye records/Hemifran ) 2012.
Roots music / blues - USA

A members from The Mystix band are veterans and well-experienced musicians from USA blues, rock and roots scene, whose activities are  more or less well-known . During the period of exsistence, a group has released with actuelle one a 4 albums, and " Mighty Tone" is still fresh product. We can find here and there a 12 tracks,an interesting combination of authors works and traditionals. A central figure in band is a frontman, singer and guitarist Jo Lily, who is also a key composer. " Mighty Tone" are consists of well-crafted roots, blues, rock and materials, wrapped by country flavour, but with original and interesting interpretations, clever and vivid arrangments includings, and modern production threathening as well. Under the mentioned genre's area, The Mystix offer an original views, convinceble interpretations, and repeatable songs. Recomandable..

Rating : 8, 5 / 10
C / o : www.themystix.com

четвртак, 6. септембар 2012.

SASHASONIA - Sashasonia

" Sashasonia "
( Self - released ) 2012.
Indie folk/acoustic/world music

Out of New York City comes an pretty interesting female-male duo named Sashasonia, consists of Sonia Chui - voices / cello, and Sasha Markovic, who is guitarist, bass player, percussionist and composer. During the brief period of existence, they have recorded over a 30 songs, tested' em in club performances, and after that decide to put a 15 tunes in their actuelle " S / t debut.
14 of present songs are authors works of mentioned Belgrade born Sasha Markovich, and only one track is cover, and this is a well known standard / classic - " Autumn Leaves ". Most of present songs are done in mid to mid up tempo, added with darker but in the same time pleasent performing atmosphere, fulfield with clever arrangments includings too. A songs are listenable, acceptable at the same time , and recomandable for the fans of different musical tastes. We can label its offering as a sort of indie folk /acoustic, roots and world music, but there's no doubt that Sasha and Sonia sound as a coherent team with original approach and same performing realization. Well done, and this is also a modern product , without uninteresting or weaker places...

Rating : 8, 5 / 10
C / o : www.sashasonia.com

четвртак, 23. август 2012.

MOJO FILTER - Mrs. Love Revolution

" Mrs. Love Revolution "
( Club De Musique ) 2011.
70's rock/vintage rock

A few days ago, I heve received a CD from very interesting Italian act - Mojo Filter. During the previous months, a band did a lotta' effort  in promotional campaign, and many portals and zines constantly informs about group's entire carrear. Till now, they have released with actuelle one a 2 albums and one single. " Mrs. Love Revolution" is actuelle  product from previous 2011 year, where we can face it with 10 songs in. Italians are on therithory of  70's / vintage rock tendencies, but we can not threat ' em as a classic retro act. A present materials, and performing realizations of band members has showed a clear author's personality, and also a highest level of originality. In some aspects, they know to remind on known USA groups from mentioned era, also on British act Faces, but that's only a starting point of view. They are also psychologicaly deeply in the field of wanting interesting spheres, but musically they capture also a standards of our time." Mrs. Love Revolution" are consists of coherent and equlizing materials, without leading song, but also without a weaker places. Fine work and recomandable album...

Rating : 8, 5 / 10
C / o : www.mojofilter.it

недеља, 19. август 2012.

IBLIS - Menthell

" Menthell "
( Death To Music Prod. ) 2012.
Black/avantgarde metal

Iblis are Polish act active some period. A group work in quartet formation and during the March this year, they have released a debut full-length, entitled " Menthell". A Polish fellows are on therithory of pretty avangarde metal tendencies, fulfield with black, dark, and psychedelic traces as well. A sound is agressive, part-time hypnotic, full of blastbeats and often uptempo changes. Weird and frantic rhythms, growl and screamo vocalization characterize complete album in general. A songs are different among them, but one so call " conceptual " and recognazible view is evident. " Menthell " is an interesting product, world listener's attention...

Rating : 7 / 10
C / o : www.deathtomusic.com

понедељак, 13. август 2012.


Press / Info


Hailed by  the New York Times as a " dazzling " soloist and composer with a " fondness for alright logic and burnished lyricism", Chris Dingman is one of  the most sought-after vibrafonist of his generation. Schooled in the jazz tradition, yet influenced by a wide range of music and experience, Dingman draws inspiration and meaning from  a diverse set of musical sources uniting them in a progressive approach that has earned him praise for his  " pouignant work " ( David Sprague, Variety ), his "adaptive humility" ( Nate Chinen, NY Times ), and as " downright hypnotic" ( John Barron, All About Jazz ). He has performed and studied with many of the world's greatest jazz musicians, including Hearbie Hancock, Wayne Shorter, Benny Golson, Jimmy Heath, and many others.
Now, based in Brooklyn, NY, he is currently working with many of the leading lights of the jazz and creative music scene, both as a sideman and as a leader. His debut album " Waking Dreams", has been called " gorgeus" ( Time Out, NY ), " brilliant " ( All About Jazz ), and " deeply lyrical " ( NY Times ). " Stereophile " calls a " very big pleasent surprise ", and the "Los Angeles Times" commends : rich and full of unexpected twists, but never less then approachable, " Waking Dreams" casts an atmospheric spell true to its name".

C / o : www.chrisdingman.com

уторак, 24. јул 2012.

BURNING SHADOWS - Gather, Darkness!

" Gather, Darkness! "
( Self - released ) 2012.
Heavy/power metal - USA

Burning Shadows are USA act, active on national underground scene over decade.With actuelle one, they have released a 3 EP's and 2 full-lengths. " Gather, Darkness! " is actuelle album, released independently, and we can find here 11 tracks in.  USA fellows are on the field of heavy / power metal , mainly of European school, and they knows to remind on Blind Guardian, Gamma Ray legacies as well.
" Gather, Darkness!" is a sort of conceptual album, and we can find epic / fantasy conception, convincable performings, and expecting lyrical approach. A songs are done in similiar mood, one recognazible atmosphere dominates through complete materials, and members from band sounds as a coherent team. In some places, a group has offered an interesting and vivid arrangments works, but also is clear that in few songs a band has suffered of manniristical problems. A production is more orientire to 90's period, than to nowadays standards, and that is evident afer listening a complete album. Even of mentioned details, " Gather, Darkness!" is under a heavy / power genre satisfying product, seriously done and profesionally recorded.

Rating : 7 , 5 / 10
C / o : www.burningshadows.com

недеља, 24. јун 2012.


" The Doomed "
( Self - released ) 2011.
Modern rock - USA

Someonelse are NYC based quintet, active some period. Part of  the group members, previously has participated in Juniper Sky band.
" The Doomed " is their debut from previous 2011 year, and this is a full-length CD with 11 tracks in. A band is influental by the 90's rock details, but present songs posses enough strong performing realizations and fresh ideas as well. We can find similiar traces of punk and hardcore performing energy in its materials, but in the other hand songs posses evident melodic includings too.A catchy and in some places repeatable guitar phrases and bass lines, characterize their arrangments approaches in practically complete present tracks, and pretty similiar and expecting atmosphere dominates through complete album as well. I will add that some song is maybe a overproduced, but  production work satisfies in many aspects. Someonelse generally  has offered a modern ( rock ) approach , and interesting authors views...

Rating : 7 , 5 / 10
C / o : www.someonelserocks.com

недеља, 17. јун 2012.


Info / press


DBB are one of Europe's most prodigious and respected bluegrass bands. They are well known and highhly regarded in both Europe and the USA, where they have toured several times.
In DBB's music you can hear the geographical and cultural similiarities between Appalachia, USA, the home of bluegrass, and its minning districts, and the minning and heavy industries of Bereslagen, Sweden, where the band originates.Bluegrass is predominantly working class music which has infected poor conditions in the countryside and minning villages. The music invokes the hard  work in the mines and fields, the wide open spaces, the simply life, jealousy, prison guards, and the battle between GOD and the DEVIL. Downhill's music reflects many of these themes. Music and lyrics expres life in the here and now, but with an awareness of tradition.
On invitation, they performed more than once at the IBMA Awards in Nashville on account of their excellent playing skills and unique  sound, as well as their songwritings abilities. As well as America, they have played  festivals in most European countries. Most of the repertoire they perform is their own, and some of these songs have been recorded by both American and Europian artists.
DBB was formed by Jonas and Kenneth Kjelligren with the intentions to play traditionally rooted bluegrass with a contemporary flair. Sharing the same musical ideas and sources for inspiration, they started to play together in 1998. Since then they have released four CD's, the last one with only original material written by songwriter and mandolinist Jonas Kjellgren.
The band members today are : Jonas Kjellgren on banjo, Magnus Sundstrom on guitar and vocals, Kajsa Westlin on bass and vocals, and Nicke Widen on dobro and Ivor Ottley on fiddle.
Through the years Jonas Kjellgren and Kenneth Kjellgren have remained the corner stone of the band....

C / o : www.downhill.nu